Esquilino Della Stella Gaia  (1/31/2016-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:FCI LO1660084


Esquilino Della Stella Gaia
Malya SunInTheStorm
It.Ch.Int.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Eye of Cyclone
Alveston Turbulent
It. Int. Ch Royal Crest Gold-N Water Violet
Honey Eve's Marilyn
Honey Queen's Casanova
Nice Dell'Antica Etruria
Perfect Golden Yasmim
ChMex ChCR MultiBIS MultiChamp MultiBOB MultiBOG Perfect Golden Chip
BISS ArGrCh ArCh UruCh LatCh IntCh Silver Sound's Kingfisher of Milburn
Wolf's Hunter Goldentrip Teena Mulder
Golden Trip Sweet Angel
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Bussad Cameron Diaz