Bent Creek?s Silver Charm  (8/18/2019-)

Call name:"Wesley"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS14101603
Breeder:Lisa Savage
Owner:Michele Imig
Web site:


Bent Creek?s Silver Charm
Int'l CH. I'M Terra Antyda Extraordinaire CA RATN BCAT DM DS CGCA TKN USJ
Gillbryan Joseph's Dream
Ronjalee Ragamuffin at Motlaisa JW
Gillbryan Inchagoil
Est & LV & LT & Balt JCH Milbu Hello for Terra Antyda
Est & LT & LTU & Balt JCH, LT & LV & EST & BALT CH, Balt JW'13, Tln JW'13 Golden Tunes Rocket Man (Crufts CQ)
LV JCH, LV CH Milbu Laurella
Aspens Prancing Snowflake CGCA
Goldsmith Double B Dually
Aldridge Of The Little Promise
Grand Prix Gloria S Beregov Irtyasha
Double B's Ice
JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family
RUS CH Renessans Karambolina