Celtic Jewel Sir England  (8/29/2013-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR79596603


Celtic Jewel Sir England
Sir Marcus Karvin Ray
Heartsofgold Rufus Rules
Polish CH Karvin Travolta
Siever's Storm Struck
Samie Jo
Wiesman's White Gold Otto
Holly's Lucky Sophia
Willowdowns Urala Hannah-Rae
Taller Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
C.I.E,LTU&SWE(show)CH,FIN JW-01&FIN W-07,VetWW`10 Royal Salute du Pays de Boheme
IntCh, ChRUS, LIT, EST, MONT, RKF, LIT WINNER2006 Enessi iz Stolitsy Urala
Snowypines Indigo Moon
Camrose Chevanne Appollo
Linda Star Of Rock Rejentowka