Capronca Jazz  (3/13/2013-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Croatia
Registration:FCI HR 17221
Breeder:Mladen Ficko


Capronca Jazz
Fisherman's Friend Nook
Ch.Amer,Fr,Ang,Lu,FDV Trialer Ole AmJH
Ithaque Winds of Toul Diweon
Maya du Gue de la Reboursiere
Int. CH Rosanan Beauty Spot
AM CAN FIN EST INT CH Chancellor Merry
CH Rosanan Snow White Rose
Snoopy's Gang Salsa A'Capronca
It Ch Rip. Waifin's Perfect Storm
Am BISS CH Weathertop El Nino
AmCH Wiscoy Disguise The Limit
Snoopy's Gang Nina-Nana
C.I.B. USA Ch Loresho Royal Flush
HR Ch Sitting Pretty of Tintagel Winds