Jillion's O-Litter
(test breeding entered 7/2020)
Jillion's O-Litter
DE Ch, DK UCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son
BISS RUBISS & ABBIS Aust Ch. Larbellah Take The Lead
Aust Ch. Goldew Jubilation
JCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else
ENG SH CH. Putjade Pajazzo
ENG SH CH, NL/LUX/DE/VDH CH. Dutch Consolidation Galaxy JW '11, W'11
Jillion?s First Edition
Dt.-JCh. Lux.-JCh., VDH-Ch., Lux.-Ch. Dantes of Bergem de sota
Dant?s du Domaine de la Vall?e de l'Andelle
Ireen von der Moerser Heide
Dutch Consolidation Cup of Tea
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner
NL CH Dutch Consolidation Newsflash CW'12