HRCH Redhoney Yo Soy Enzo Ferrari SH  (8/16/2020-)

Call name:"Enzo"
Country of origin:Italy
Registration:AKC SS25755001
Breeder:Redhoney KENNEL - Elena Bordiga
Owner:Trey Price
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE30935/28M-VPI (12/22)
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL59300M27-P-PI
PRA status:Clear (Labolkin)


HRCH Redhoney Yo Soy Enzo Ferrari SH
ItFtCh Think Twice Something More for Redhoney
Int.FTCH It.FTCH Birdsgreen Simply Flint
Eng. FT. CH. Kessgold Volvo
FTW Elmbrook Kitty
IntFtCh ItFtCh ITChampionshipWinner Think Twice Go Get It
Souter Fennel
FtCh Pixie Dixie and Jinks the Cat
FTW Think Twice Kindred Spirit
OFTW Echobrook Dexster
FTW Birdsgreen Stormbreak over Millgreen
Shot Wood Lettie
FtCh Pixie Dixie and Jinks the Cat
Ft Winner Kenmillix Seasonal Spirit
Royal Crest Gold-n Last Shot