Swiss ShCh Shamrock Prince of the Seven Kingdoms  (7/17/2020-)

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Call name:"James"
Country of origin:Hungary
Breeder:Dr. Eszter Bardossy - Shamrock
Owner:Dr. Eszter Bardossy - Shamrock
Hip clearance:FCI A
Eye clearance:ECVO Clear
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0
PRA status:Clear (Labolkin)


Swiss ShCh Shamrock Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
ShCh (UK), C.I.B (IntCh), NLCh, DKCh(U), PLCh, LTCh, ESTCh WJW'18, EW'22, EW'23 Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold DRCJCh, VDHJCh,NLJCh, PlJCh., Amsterdam Winner'18
Eng Sh Ch Haydengold Keepa Secret with Garvin JW
Eng Sh Ch Thornywait McShay At Ritzilyn JW
Aust Ch. Haydengold Generous Love (AI)
PL Ch, PL JCH Maybe Forever Canto De Amor
SPA CH, SPA JCH Yake Dake de Ria Vela
Maybe Forever Sea The Stars
HJCH, ROJCH, Int SH CH Shamrock She Is A Diamond
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Ipcress Sir Thomas
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage For Shardanell
IntCh. HCH. HRCH. Shamrock Diamond Symphony
Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07
EUVW'10, HCH, HSCH, HJCH, HVCH, HRVCH Dewmist Diamonds Are Forever