FIONA Superior  (2/11/2001-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Poland
Registration:FCI PKR.VIII-8961
Owner:Joanna Jurek


FIONA Superior
Complement Hunter Harry
WW'94, Dutch/Ger./VDH/Lux./Swiss Ch. Tugwood MAXIM
Dick of Tugwood
Tugwood Belle
Pl. J.Ch. Complement Husaria
Pol. Ch. Qajun Zeus
Pl.Ch. Complement Dina Dobra Decyzja
Complement JOYFUL
Pl.Jr.Ch., Pl.Ch. Qajun Atlas
EW'92, Pol. Ch., Pol. Sg. - 91-92 Waterloos Ivanhoe in the Nightdream
Troll's Angen's Toy
Qajun Europa
Pl.Ch. Jako's As Dream Comes True
Nightdream Forever