Sevenway Glowing Sun
Call name:
Country of origin:
Sevenway Glowing Sun
Belgium Ch, Dutch Ch, Dutch JCH House Calls v.d. Beerse Hoeve
MBISS Aust Ch Larbellah Team Leader
RUBISS/BISS AUST CH. Acacian Special Event
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust
Dutch Ch, German Ch, VDH Ch. Gargamella v.d. Beerse Hoeve Junior World Ch 08 Dutch-,Lux Junior Ch.
Dutch Ch, German Ch, German Junior Ch. Team Spirit of Glen Sheallag TOP WINNING GOLDEN 2005
Milkyway v.d. Beerse Hoeve
C.I.E, Dt.Ch., VDH Ch., CH Ch. Slo Ch., HR Ch.,?sterr Ch., Multi JCh. Sevenway Dizzy Miss Lizzy
JWW'13 HJCH HRJCH, CH Bonett Bride Energy Source
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA
H JCH, HR JCH, CRO JCH, Multi CH CIE & CIB Bonett Bride Blue Moon
C.I.E, C.I.B, Dt.Ch, VHDCh., ?sterr.Ch., Dt.JCh. Paz de Atrapasue?os
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay
SPA VCH Heart Of Eternity de Ria Vela