RUS Ch Stenveyz Boogie-Woogie  (3/12/2007-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Russia
Registration:FCI FIN36881/08
Hip clearance:FCI A/A
Eye clearance:clear 2013
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0
PRA status:Clear


RUS Ch Stenveyz Boogie-Woogie
SE U(U)CH NORD JV-03 Winnie's Maryland
SE U(U)CH Jayncourt Natural Star
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Jayncourt Star-Blossom
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Winnie's Marrion
Novacroft Arris
Novacroft Madeleine
RUS CH BLR CH Stenveyz Paprika
CH RUS Tweedledum Against Allodds
Fin CH Tweedledum Brookland Savoy
Tweedledum Mascara
ChRus, Ch Lit, ChBye Stenveyz Angel's Melody Baltic Winner'99
IntCh, ChBelg, Fr, Ger, Lux, Ned, Rus Quatro of Lucifers Delight
Urfamycine of Lucifer's Delight