Langlois' Rubies Are Red FITB ATT  (10/6/2020-)

Call name:"Ruby"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS21918602
Breeder:Marissa Brown
Owner:Kandace Langlois
Hip clearance:OFA GR-141083G30F-C-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE26148/39F-VPI (1/24)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-ACA7894/17F-VPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL60738F30-C-VPI
Thyroid clearance:OFA GR-TH4795/30F-VPI
PRA status:Clear (unrecognized registry)


Langlois' Rubies Are Red FITB ATT
Sibbald's Langlois' Dozer's Cutting Edge
Wynwood's Over The Top MH13 QA2 *** OS CCA
Choctaw's Yukon Copper Penny MH61 MNH4 WCX ** OS HTHF
Wynwood's Gold Eagle Heartbreaker JH WCX OD Can SH
Ridgeway Sibbald's Bubbling Brown Sugar
HRCH Pemberley's A Walk in the Woods CDX BN GN RAE MH WCX CCA
Ridgeway It's All About Me
Marlee Mustafar Mcqueen
Sergeant Dakota Mcginnis
Rocky Golden Nugget Jr.
Mille Dee
Sophie's Golden Montana
SR Docs Montana
Gracie's Grand Millie