Aragons Goose Hollow  (9/4/2021-)

Call name:"Goose"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS29245405
Breeder:Cherie Fisher
Owner:Kathy O'Neil


Aragons Goose Hollow
CH HySpire Fade To Black
MBISS Am GCHS CH Shalimar's The Animator
BISS AmCH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable
Shalimar Hyspire Biding My Time
GCH CH Hyspire Songline Black Caddillac
Phogo Once You Go Black
AmCH Hyspire Mainland Pedal To The Metal
Ashland's Let The Sunshine In
GCH Glacieridge Tabatha's Granite
AmCH Tabatha's Sunfest Donnybrook
Tabatha's Galore
Ashland’s Don’t Rain on My Parade!
Am/Mex CH Ashland's Taylor Made
Stormy C?s Sweet Serenade @ Ashland