Rainey Day Paradise of Cenark Golden Retrievers  (5/4/2019-)

Call name:"Rainey"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS13164905
Breeder:Nicki Woolsey
Owner:Nicki Woolsey
Hip clearance:OFA GR-135158E29F-NOPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL54800F29-NOPI
PRA status:Clear (268012)


Rainey Day Paradise of Cenark Golden Retrievers
GRHRCH Will E. B. Ready MH OS
(3x) GRHRCH Will E Hunt MH
HRCH Powderhorn's Ruff And Reddy JH
HRCH Lee's Punkin Chiffon Pie
GRHRCH Cedarpond Kachina MH
FTCH AFTCH Ritchie's Toronto Bust Am. *** OS CanFDHF
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Beetlejuice Razcal Am *** OD
Bacon's Sharp Shooter Annie Oakley SH
Real Gold Mccoy's Governor SH
AFC Honeycreek's Jammin' Jaco MH OS
Highland Kiowa Shooting Star MH *** OD
McCoys Acappella Adirondac Crescendo MH
Light Farm's Cooper MH WC *** OS
Adirondac Gold Standard CD MH WCX CCA CGC VC OD