AFC Linmac's Trigger Happy  (5/20/2015-)

Call name:"Bang"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR88264507
Owner:Jim Mcdowall


AFC Linmac's Trigger Happy
NAFC FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade
FC AFC Code Blue
Code Red
Nikcoal Of North Boundary
Ms Lean Mac'ce
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
FC AFC Candlewoods Ms MB Kate
Grouse Creek's Sierra MH
FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion JH
FC AFC Gunstock Lethal Weapon
NAHRA-MHR/WR Moon River's Cash Kate's Choice
Grouse Creek's Blazin' Cinder BN MH MNH
FC Candlewoods Autumn Run Vince
Miss Kelly Of Buckcreek Road