Robine de l'Etang Balancet

Call name:
Country of origin:France


Robine de l'Etang Balancet
Int.Sh.Ch.DK.Ger.Bel.Aust.Dutch.Ch Woefdram's Abercrombie
Am. CH. Clearcreek Bonaventure Dust In The Wind
Am.CH. Hyspire Maritime Everything You Always Wanted
Am/Can Eng SH CH ClearCreek Bonaventure Windjammer JH
Clearcreek Bonaventure Texas Cowgirl
BISS Am CH Annual's Texas Ranger
Bonaventure Windfall Glory
Tr. CS/CIE/CIB/LUX. CH Lutti de l'Etang Balancet
JCH UA, JGR UA, CH MC Miracle Makers Fiamma Cantante
ITCH, CIB, CIE, FCH, HRCH, SwissCH, 2xRCICH Charm Bluveil Mr. Darcy WC,FFTCH
Int Ch Miconti Mont Blanc
Int. Ch Farah de l'Etang Balancet
Mallorn's Romeo
Ch Abbygail de l'Etang Balancet