AM CAN GCh De Soleil's Indigo  (7/10/2013-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR78693301
Hip clearance:OFA good
Eye clearance:OFA normal
Heart clearance:LR-CA8443/23M/C-VPI-ECHO
Elbow clearance:OFA normal
PRA status:Clear


AM CAN GCh De Soleil's Indigo
CanCH Nipntuck Eagertrieve Mesmerize
Int/AmCH Belgairn Tom Jones
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
AmCH Belgairn Peekaboo JH
Am CH Nipntuck Miss American Pie
Brookland's Charlie Brown
AmCH Nipntuck Twinkle In Our Eyes
De Soleil's First Lady Victoria
BISS AmCH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
AmCH Blackwaters Nipntuck Cheerleader
Startop Bright Light Of Mya
Beulahlands By George Str Qst
Deep Run River Jordan