Edgewater's Earth, Wind & Fire CGC  (4/22/2018-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS05306904


Edgewater's Earth, Wind & Fire CGC
BVISS CH Goldruls Meat Me At The Gate JH CCA CGC BVSS
CH Birnam Wood's Kicks Bass
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS
Am Ch Birnam Wood's Curves Ahead
Am. CH Goldruls Thank Heaven For Little Girls CCA OD
GCH CH Prism's Night Moves RN WC OS VC
Goldruls Little Moments CCA
Edgewater's It's Gonna Be A Nice Day
CH Kandiland Just Four Laughs
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's All the Rite Stuf OD
Ridgepond's Alibi Gone South CGC
Am/Can Ch. Hearthside By Design
Ridgepond's A Way With Words