Complement Optima Fade  (4/10/2000-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Other
Registration:Other PKR.VIII-7790


Complement Optima Fade
Dutch Ch Xanthous Cantona CW '00
Dutch/Ger./VDH Ch. Gunhills Summer Diamond 10 CC''s, 9 Res.CC''s
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Gunhills Darby
Born To Be of the Hellacious Acres
Dutch/Ger./VDH./Arg./Lux. CH. Standfast Angus WW-91-92-93, JWW-90
Dutch Ch. Westley Cathrina
Complement Mystery
Complement DON DONALDO
Pl.Ch. Shanlimore Fabian Pol. SG -93-95
Hoyden Noisy Lady
Troll's Angen's Toy
Ritzilyn Billbo Baggins of Perodale
Lucretias Mylta