Bellwether Fortitude  (11/2/2014-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR85554901


Bellwether Fortitude
BISS Am GCH Can CH Paradocs Bellwether Heath
MBISS AmGCH BOSS CanCH Paradocs Obsidian
Am/CanCH Paradocs Hunterleigh Quinn
AmGCH Dry Creek Paradocs Onyx
Bellwether Crosslots to Paradocs
MBISS Am Can CH Paradocs Tabatha's Caillou
Am CH Nirvana's Bebiche
Bellwether Thimble Strong and Steady
Am CH Lobuff Hollyridge Wizard Of Oz
Am CH Lobuff Hollyridge Osprey
Rocheby Replica
Thimbles Bellwether Rose
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major
Bellwether Repeat