Int./Dt./VDH-Ch. Schlottes Abeline  (5/1/1996-)

Call name:"Martha"
Country of origin:Germany
Breeder:Kiepker, Dr. Charlotte
Owner:Kiepker, Dr. Charlotte
Web site:
Hip clearance:B2
Eye clearance:11/2004
Elbow clearance:1/0


Int./Dt./VDH-Ch. Schlottes Abeline
DK CH FT.W. Joe's Jolly Be Good
Fylla's Assamkvik
Int. DK.Ch Riis Diago
Miska Fylla
DKBRCH DKJCH SJCH Spica (Dk 25922/86)
Duvkullan's Zephyr
Mira (DKK 16386/81)
Dt.-Ch. m. Arbprfg. VDH-Ch. Enthusiastic Swimmers Amarille
Benny Irstar of the Yawn Bridge
Mjaerumhogda's Starfighter
Irma (R 70132 Zr)
Unter dem Thies Araike
VDH CH. Lawnwoods Pickwick
West Jutlands Nike