Fair Lady von Ratibor und Corvey  (11/16/1983-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:AKC SE571500 11-86


Fair Lady von Ratibor und Corvey
DE&VDH CH INT UCH CH UCH Aroscas Mr. Swede
Int.Ch., NORD UCh Sandylands Midnight Maestro
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Sh Ch Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray
Quintock Country Girl of Rocheby
Sandylands Charlston
Quintock Creamline
Sunnymaid of Lawnwood
Follytower Sound of Music at Lawnwood
Secret Song of Lawnwood
GB.Sh.Ch. Follytower Augusta
Lawnwoods Caramello
Crawcrook Crispin of Lawnwood
Lawnwoods Sugar Candy