Shadowmyst Shatter Your Illusions

Call name:"Shatter"
Country of origin:USA
Breeder:Julie A McVay
Owner:Julie A McVay
Hip clearance:OFA Good
Eye clearance:Clear
Elbow clearance:OFA Normal
PRA status:Clear (unrecognized registry)


Shadowmyst Shatter Your Illusions
CH WUR Shadowmyst Olias JH RATN TKN CGC
AM GCHB Loretta Labs White
JCH ES Endagora Special Edition
Triana (Amezquita)
Shadowmyst Deacon Blues
MBISS GCH CH Briarwood's Eye On The Prize
SR Shadowmyst Cuff Links JH WC
Shadowmyst Steely Wisp
GCH Glacieridge Tabatha's Granite
AmCH Tabatha's Sunfest Donnybrook
Tabatha's Galore
Shadowmyst Black Cow CGC TDI TKN
MBISS AmGCHB CanCH Saddlehill Late Knight Scramble WC
SR Shadowmyst Cuff Links JH WC