Mistywoods Eclipse of the Blood Moon  (8/19/2018-)

Call name:"Luna"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SS07946505
Web site:https://mistywoodslabradors.com/luna


Mistywoods Eclipse of the Blood Moon
BISS GCH CH Elkens Forged In Fire
Laurkim's Ring Of Fire
Penara's Blackfork Amazin Cajun Tate
Blacklick Laurkim New Day
Elkens Poppin This Shade
Red Hot Cyrus At Elkens
AmCH Elkens Miss Bella
Misty Woods American Honey
Pucketts Just In Time At Dickendall
Am CH Tabatha's Burly
AmCH Pucketts Ms Alfie
Little River Redheaded Country Girl
Little River Redheaded Stranger
Oakdale Little River Wildfire