Delightful Diona of Redpine

Call name:"Daila"
Country of origin:Unknown
Owner:Fam. Koch
Hip clearance:C 1


Delightful Diona of Redpine
Zodiak (S52679/84)
NORDV-85 NORDUCH INTUCH Moviestar's Buster Keaton
INTUCH NORDUCH Dewmist Chrysander
Dasty Memories Of You/Dasty Memoriesof-You
NORDV-82 Dainty's Taste of Honey
Rachenco Bonanza
Dainty's One In A Million
VDH Ch, Int Ch, WJun-86 Baika Of Redpine
WW-86, Int., Danish, & VDH. CH Lawnwoods Nimrod
Eng. SH. Ch. Westley Munro of Nortonwood
Lawnwoods Careless Rapture
Dt Ch, ClubW-89 Birka (DKK 12513/80)
Danish CH. Chico (or Chiko, DKK 22739/71)
Dienesmindes Diana