Dancer's Molson Golden JH  (2/25/1986-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:AKC SE888598
Hip clearance:OFA GR-26329G24M-T


Dancer's Molson Golden JH
Kiowa's Rain Dancer ***
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF
FC AFC FTCH Bonnie Brooks Elmer OS FDHF
Tigathoe's Chickasaw *** OD
Polonaise ***
AFC Holway Barty OS
Sungold Tali's Tawny
Crangold Shire's Brandywine JH
Sunstream Whipper Snapper
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Topeka of Sunstream CD WC OD
Todd's Cinnamon Red
AFC Northbreak's Brier OS
Winnebago Sands