Misty Mtn's Sam I am  (10/29/2003-)

Call name:"Sammi"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR13097007
Breeder:Susi and Timothy Ramstead
Owner:Gina and Cameron Bryant


Misty Mtn's Sam I am
McBear's My Boy Lollipop
Granhill's Yabba Dabba Doo
Am. CH. Nautilus Golden Grahams
Am CH Nautilus Salute To Granhill OD
McBear's Rob'n the Bank
CH Goldstone's Jenlyn Money Talks
McBear's West Side Story
Cornerstone's All Riled Up
Ch. Winfield's Noble Impression
Am/Can CH Kiros Westbournes Red Robin OS SDHF
Winfield's Poetry In Motion
Cornerstone's Color Of My Love CGC
Am. CH. Auric's Sunshine Boutoniere SDHF
Honor's McBear Hug Your Teddi