Winston's Golden Susan  (10/13/1956-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SA009756 (6/1960)
Breeder:John J & Genevieve Sciarini
Owner:Louise R & Philip H Savage


Winston's Golden Susan
FC AFC Oakcreek's Sir Dorchester OS FDHF
Toby of Yelme OS
Gilick of Yelme
Sunar (daughter of Stubbings Golden Quietude)
Oakcreek's Lady Amber OD
Beavertail Gip **
Beavertail Molly
Mica's Mistress Firey
Am. CH. Nevada Mica
Giltedge Rocket
Nevada Sunshine OD
Flare's Camino Oro
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
AmCH Des Lac Lassie II OD