Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Juana Manso  (10/3/2005-)

Call name:"Juana "
Honorifics:2006 GRCA National Best Puppy
Country of origin:Other
Breeder:Adriana Gaitan
Owner:Adriana Gaitan
Web site:


Ch. Col. Ag-Golden Age Juana Manso
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ven CH. Allegro Gorca's One Way
Gorca's Murder She Wrote
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
PeCh. EcuCh. Allegro's Faera D'Euramerika
EcuCh. ColCh. GCR.PR. Faera-Tainsh Rumor Has It
Golden Age Melibea of The Autumn
Ec CH. Touchstone's Ms Understanding
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Am. CH. Touchstone's Betchuana Cancan
The Golden Autumn Dakota
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ch. Col The Golden Autumn Anna