Anabella z Liblickych rakosin  (4/12/2007-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Other
Breeder:Haklova Lenka CZ
Web site:


Anabella z Liblickych rakosin
MCH, CH CZ, SK, SLO, A, H, CZ GrCH, CZ Club CH Dewmist Sablefella Club winner
Vice-WW'02, NUCH SU(u)CH NORDUCH FINUCH FINW-98 Rossmix Rugger
Sherlock of Glen Sheallag
Knegarens Tarantella
JWW?03,Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Serenella
SE U(U)CH Telkaro Diamond Dust
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
Dual Ch Collete Mahikan
Multi CH CZ Fabio Golden Erinor
Eng. SH. Ch./Dutch/Ger./VDH Ch. Garbank Lislone Jackpot
JCh. Baronessa of Blue Erinor
Luisa Slapska alej
Zento-Fellow vom Larchenbruch
JCH CZ Aura Slapska alej