Ace The Grindols Hummer  (5/13/2008-)

Call name:"Ace"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR49628408


Ace The Grindols Hummer
Sport the Grindol's Deuce
Sir Gyver Of Bridge Shannon
Echo's Saylor Of Circle K UD SH OA OAJ
Canada Ann of Shannon
Rustygold's Spirit of Faith
Mischievous Buddy Boy
Deerwood's Madam Speaker
Grindol's Li'L Peace Of Grace CGCA
AmCH Birdland's Put'n On The Ritz
Am/Can CH Halltree Blue Blazes OS SDHF BIS BISS
Am. CH Brookshire's Ella Fitzgerald
Grace 'Til Streets of Gold CGC
Grey Haven's Frodo II
Country's Lil Miss Brittany