Highlight's Morning Thunder  (7/18/2009-)

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Call name:"Kaboom"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR57944201
Breeder:Patrice Loves & Vicky Creamer


Highlight's Morning Thunder
Am CH Edgecombe's Ringing Rocks
AmCH MY Sky Watcher SDHF OS
Am. CH Toasty's Dust In The Wind II SDHF OS
CH Briarwood MY Hi Flyin Legend SDHF OD
Edgecombe's Carolina Wren OD
Can. CH Edgecombe's Leeward Coast
Edgecombe's The Good Earth
Highlight's Teatime With Belquest
BIS BISS CH Nautilus Purple Passion SDHF, OS
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS
BISS Am. CH Nautilus Flirt In The Jaguar OD
CH Highlight's Constant Comment OD
BISS CH. Online's We Loveit On Ice
Tangleloft Highlight AStep Above