Arrowhill Golden be Frosty  (3/2/2010-)

Call name:"Frosty"
Country of origin:Other
Registration:FCI 01-18478
Breeder:Arrowhill Kennel
Owner:Mr. Toto (Bintaro)


Arrowhill Golden be Frosty
Am Ch. BISS Ina CH. Snowshoe's Heartbreak Hotel
MBIS MBISS Am CH. Snowshoe's Escape to Big Sky OS SDHF
Am CH Gangway's Sweeter Than Whine OS WC CGC TDI
Am. Can. Ch. Goldsmith California Sunshine
BISS Snowshoe's Movin To The Beat
Am /CanCH Justmoor Believe In Me Am-Can OS
BISS Am. Can. CH Arieh Pandamonium In Our Time OD SDHF
Nikolas' Credit To Praetorian
Ina Ch. Selected Gold Rush Wild Wild West
Can CH. Gold-Rush Highlander
Thai. Ch Area's Gold-Rush Wild Honey Ina Ch
Praetorian's Dionne
INA.CH. Golden Hill's Chariot of fire
Audrey von Caesar Palace