It. Ft. Ch. Soldanella del Nilo  (4/10/1992-)

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Call name:
Country of origin:Italy
Registration:FCI RC138971
Breeder:G Borletti
Owner:S Martinoli


It. Ft. Ch. Soldanella del Nilo
Sandylands Match Box
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Kupros Bridget
UK ShCh Sandylands Bella
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Relax del Nilo
Ch. Noe del Nilo
Ch. Cufrana Spanker of Gillsbank
Ch. Lawnwoods Square Deal
Ch. Caprice of Lawnwood
Lawnwood Fandango
Yellowstone Kelly