Heroncourt Falcon Nest Remy  (12/15/1993-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SN121945/01
Hip clearance:OFA Fair


Heroncourt Falcon Nest Remy
Ch Saltmeadow Blackwatch
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands My Rainbeau
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands Busy Liz
Ch Follytower Blackberry WC JH
GBSHCH Charway Blackthorn of Follytower
Follytower Kay
Heroncourt Zoey
Hemlock's M F Tar
Am/CanCH Beechcrofts Dover
AmCH Ridgeway's Cherries Jubilee
Heroncourt G Wizz
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle
AmCH Venetian Shababas Hit Parade