Has Born Jiddah Djune v. d. Loopakker  (3/9/2004-)

Call name:"Djune"
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:Other 2498345
Breeder:Peter en Annie v Hoenselaar, Kennel vd Loopakker
Owner:Peter en Annie v Hoenselaar, Kennel vd Loopakker
Web site:http://www.vdloopakker.nl/honden_detail.php?id=15


Has Born Jiddah Djune v. d. Loopakker
Dutch Ch Xanthous Cantona CW '00
Dutch/Ger./VDH Ch. Gunhills Summer Diamond 10 CC''s, 9 Res.CC''s
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Gunhills Darby
Born To Be of the Hellacious Acres
Dutch/Ger./VDH./Arg./Lux. CH. Standfast Angus WW-91-92-93, JWW-90
Dutch Ch. Westley Cathrina
Amasing Jenga v. d. Loopakker
Lux./VDH./Ger./Dutch Ch. Ritzilyn Man About Town Brussels Winner 1999
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien
Eng. SH. Ch. Ritzilyn Vivacity
Ned. Veteranenkampioen Quincy Chevanne Jeanton
Dutch Ch. Gunhills Silver Dice
Queen Victoria Jeanton