Can CH Seabreeze Saffron Sensation CanCDX TDX WCI JH AGI SADC  (6/29/1994-5/15/2010)

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Call name:"Splash"
Honorifics:2007 GRCC Best Veteran in Sweeps - age 13
Country of origin:Canada
Registration:CKC CL201310
Breeder:Kathy Morgan
Owner:Susan S Sorensen
Web site:
Hip clearance:OFA GR53178G24F-T
Cause of death:Old Age


Can CH Seabreeze Saffron Sensation CanCDX TDX WCI JH AGI SADC
Can. CH Verdoro's Justice For All Can OS
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Judge And Jury OS SDHF
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Fee Fie Fo Fum
Can. CH Goldsmith's Golden Opportunity OD
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
CanCH Atai's Rise Again Phoenix OD
Can CH Verdoro's Almond Rocha
Can Ch Goldwing Double Indemnity OS
Am./Can. CH. Verdoro's True Keepsake
Goldwing Gilded Lily
Can Ch & OTCH Golden Jenny XI TT Am CD OD
BIS Can Ch Skybird's Catcher In The Rye OS SDHF
Golden Autumn