Brandy Wine Derrig  (9/2/1996-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SN37389905


Brandy Wine Derrig
Peppercreek Sundoro
BIS BISS Am/Can Ch. Genuine Winfield's Just Do It SDHF OS
Am/Can CH Kiros Westbournes Red Robin OS SDHF
Kinshas Genuine Obsession
CH Lacamas Mocha Motion
CH Vanreel's Max-N-Mom Effort OS SDHF
Peppercreek Ruf Ruby Tuesday
Katie Bar The Door II
Sonny's Morning Gold-Rush
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Donnor's Gold-Rush Jake CD SDHF
Tahnee Lady Of Grace
Jenny's Misty Girl Rebecka
Judges Gold Mountain Man
Lady Mary's Jenny of Ramona