Brackenridge's Badger D'Or CanCD WC

Call name:
Country of origin:Unknown


Brackenridge's Badger D'Or CanCD WC
CanCH Carolee's Toby of Lincolnshire
CanCH Our Highpoint Carolee Whistle CanCDX
Can CH Carolee's Dear Whiskey CD
Golden Lady of Tess's Pride
Carolee's Ever So Sweet CanCD
Beckwith's Meadowpond Fable CD Can. CDX
CanCH Carolee's Bran Muffin CanCD.WC, Am CD
Can CH OTCH Meadowpond Brack-N-Ridge Jeni Can WC Am CDX
Can OTCh & Ch Xanthos Windbreaker Am UD
OTCH Windy's The Forecast OBHF
Am. CH Xanthos Harvest Caeli Regina
Meadowpond Brookshir Breeze OD
CH OTCH Meadowpond Dust Commander OBHF OS
Am. CH. Golden Belle Of Brookshire CD WC OD