AM Ch Janwood's Mountain Mist  (8/24/1987-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SF015202
Hip clearance:OFA Good


AM Ch Janwood's Mountain Mist
AmCH Mallards Flying Cloud of Jan Rod
NORDUCH INTUCH Mallards Clay Basker
NUCH NJCH Licithas Faithful Apporter
Curnafane Strike
Mallards Eli The Boat
SUCH NUCH Ballyduff Fergus
Mallards Black Spinner
AmCH Janwood's Lady Perkins
Am/Can/Mex/Int CH Franklin's Golden Mandigo CD WC
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade
AmCH Franklin's Tally Of Burywood
Jan Rod's Sunhill Cindra
BISS AmCH Shamrock Acres Benjamin
Threepears Forest Fantasy