Can GMH Coppertop Wind in the Taiga MH WCX **, Can CD WCX QFTR ***  (9/5/2000-9/30/2010)

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Call name:"Breeze"
Honorifics:#5 Qual Dog in Canada in 2008
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SN770030/06
Breeder:Terry & Steve Southard
Owner:Judith Myers
Web site:
Hip clearance:OFA GR-77691G26M-PI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL6776M26-PI
PRA status:Clear (Optigen 08-4717)
Cause of death:Suspected Brain Tumor


Can GMH Coppertop Wind in the Taiga MH WCX **, Can CD WCX QFTR ***
Emberain Jelly's First Jam UDT JH MX MXJ WCX OS
AFC Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UDT MH WCX OS FDHF
Smoke'N Red Apache *** WCX OS
OTCH Meadowpond Especial One UDT SH WCX OD OBHF
Emberain Jelly Side Up UDT AX JH WC OD
Emberain Bay to Breakers UD MH WCX ***
Emberain Honeywood Eclair CDX
Coppertop Cayenne VCD3 UD TDX AX AXJ JH WC OBHF OD
CH Ashford's Saffron O'Reilly UDT JH WCX SDHF OS
Am. CH. Sunshine's Goldwind Devon OS
Am. Can. CH Ashford's Annie O'Neill CD WC VC CGC OD
OTCH Misty Marshes Flight O'Fancy UDX2 TDX JH AX OAJ WCX OBHF OD
Culynwoods Rough Rider WCX ** OS
Misty Marshes Wynwood Winter CD