Kelsey's One And Only Bruno  (2/6/2011-)

Call name:"Bruno"
Country of origin:Unknown
Registration:AKC SR68229701
Owner:Lindsey Kelsey


Kelsey's One And Only Bruno
Taul-Imapup's Add A Sunshiny New Day
Eveningstar Taul Sir Drake
IntCh. Eveningstars Mallory's Moses
Eveningstars Madys Goldnlite
Golden Dreams Alto Claro Rose JH
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Ch. Col. Golden Dreams Alto Claro Hanna
Cprfld Imapup's Shame The Devil
U-Ch/Int Summits Jeremiah Johnson
AmCH Sunbeam's Seein's Believen SDHF OS CD WC VCX
AmCH Summits Let The Games Begin OD
Chien D Or's Cprflds Forever N Bliss
Am/Can CH GFA's Love Makes the World Go Round
Chien d'Or's Sweet Scarlett Moon