Exiting gold rush of Creme Puff  (6/28/2010-)

Call name:"Mr. Pommeroy"
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:FCI DRC-G 28617
Breeder:Doris Schnupp
Owner:Vita e.V.
Web site:http://www.vita-assistenzhunde.de/
Hip clearance:A2/B2
Elbow clearance:0/0


Exiting gold rush of Creme Puff
Trialer, Int, Int Sh, Bel, Ger, VDH CH Rayleas My Guy
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW
Rayleas Treacle Tart
ENG CH. Rayleas Dempsey
Rayleas Candyfloss
Could it be magic of Creme Puff
Q-Hobbit of Graceful Delight
Tonara Mantinia
DT JGD CH Clubsieger Miss Marple of Graceful Delight
Belly Button of Creme Puff
VDH Ch., Dt. Ch. mit Arbeitspruefung DRC Fourwind Cottage Kestrel
Coco Chanel of Forest Gump