Ganwales Quidam Ad Gazinus CCA CGC  (12/11/2011-10/22/2024)

Call name:"Rhys"
Honorifics:DNA Profile #V752861 Alliance of Therapy Dogs
Country of origin:Austria
Registration:AKC SR72930701
Breeder:Michaela Engstler-Anderson, Kennel GANWALES
Owner:Felice Haggerty
Web site:
Hip clearance:OFA GR-109960G24M-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE1152/40M-VPI
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA23097/12M/C-VPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL30362M24-VPI
PRA status:Clear (Optigen 12-10741)
Cause of death:cancer


Ganwales Quidam Ad Gazinus CCA CGC
Stormerick Don Giovanni
Sh CM Purbarn Gales N Golden Rain JW SWGC
Eng. CH. Purbarn Xtra Thunderstorm JW, SGWC
Purbarn Come Together
Stormerick Sante Katarina
Eng. SH. CH. Stormerick Solomon JW. Sh CM.
Stormerick Kiss From a Rose
Ganwales Humble Bee
Trebell Taken by Storm
ENG. CH. Captain Finn at Steval JW
Lindjan Lullaby at Trebell
Ganwales Cream Caramel
Austrian Bundessieger Moorfield Morning Archibald
Trewater Polly