IntUCH SUCH SFUCH Lillimar's Cheers Bero of Bonfire  (4/30/1989-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Sweden
Registration:FCI S37396/89
Breeder:Lilian Larsson


IntUCH SUCH SFUCH Lillimar's Cheers Bero of Bonfire
SE UCH Sauranor (S10844/81)
SE UCh, FI UCh Älvgårdens Mike / Alvgardens Mike
Alvgardens Dandy/Älvgårdens Dandy
SE UCH FI UCH Alvgardens Black Mammy/Älvgårdens Black Mammy
Älvgårdens Rorty
SE UCH FI UCH NO JCH INT UCH SE JCH Älvgårdens Zoom / Alvgardens Zoom
Älvgårdens Bat / Alvgardens Bat
SE UCH FI UCH Älvgårdens Kahlua / Alvgardens Kahlua
Cindys John-Richard
NO CH NORD UCH INT CH NORD V-78 Licithas Blizzard
Baronor Friday Girl
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Gun-Smokes Eliza
SUCH Alexander (S15559/77)
Älvgårdens Heiress / Alvgardens Heiress