Wallwood's Witchy Woman  (8/14/2012-)

Call name:"Willow"
Country of origin:USA
Breeder:Laura and Greg Wall
Owner:Stephanie Henson and Michelle Font


Wallwood's Witchy Woman
CH Rug-ged's Another Bright Idea
CH. Goldstorm XIV Karat Best Bet
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
BIS Ch Goldstorm Honky Tonk Angel SDHF BISS BIF OD
Rug-ged All Girl Production
CH Farm Fresh Best Laid Plan
Aspengold's Calypso Caley
CH Wallwood's Take It Easy
BIS BISS GCHG Am/Can Ch. Venture's Boys N Toys SDHF, OS, BISS
BISS Am Ch Happy Hr Highmark Bad News Bears CDX SH AX AXJ OF WCX SDHF OS VCX
Am-Can CH Karagold's Whistlin N'the Wind CD RN OD
Wallwood's Peaceful Easy Feeln
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS
Sunrise Ponderosa Frolic