Fameflair Amusing Queen  (12/6/1991-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Germany
Registration:FCI VDH/DRC 91-4506
Breeder:Christina Gabriel
Hip clearance:2


Fameflair Amusing Queen
WW-90 DK UCH VDH CH INT UCH Dee-Fair Amazing Fame WT, BHP, BLP, Brugspr.
WW-86 SUCH DKUCH VDHCH INTUCH Sandylands Night Flight
UK Ch. Sandylands Newinn Columbus
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Aroscas Amazing Miss
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands Blaze
SE CH Aroscas Funny Black Sovereign
Dee-Fair Sweet Sensation Queen
DE&VDH CH INT UCH CH UCH Aroscas Mr. Swede
Int.Ch., NORD UCh Sandylands Midnight Maestro
Quintock Country Girl of Rocheby
DKCH INTCH Selmaflight (DKK 07149/87)
WW-86 SUCH DKUCH VDHCH INTUCH Sandylands Night Flight
Abby (DKK 13262/84)