Buchanan's Evening Romance  (3/16/2003-1/23/2014)

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Call name:"Sunset"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR06403001
Breeder:Candace D Warren
Owner:Sharon Buchanan
Cause of death:Adenocarcoma


Buchanan's Evening Romance
Peterson's Hunter Ruger
Sungold's Gold Dusted Ruggs
Tangelo's Rugs To Riches ***
Sungold Lady Elberta
Baby's Bit-O-Honey
Sunrise Del Saffron Baby
Bomar's Misty Mornin Delight
Sir Murphy Moonprancer
Sir Hobie Sundancer
Miss Molly Moonprancer
Sunny Sunshine Williams
Boomer's Booger Norman
Goldie Nabernik Barbour