Liberty's ''Dey Call Me Elliott''  (6/10/2012-)

Call name:"Elliott"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR73896403
Breeder:Debbie Koons & Jennifer Krawsczyn
Owner:Sabrina Prim & Debbie Koons
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE1889/11M-PI


Liberty's ''Dey Call Me Elliott''
Col CH/ Am CH. Ag-Golden Age Porto Alegre OS
Multi Biss,Col/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Chaw Kemp Mulder Golden Friend Forever
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Br CH&GCH/ Pam Am CH. La Vie Rose of Sunrise Story
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Genoveva of Nambija
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Ec CH. Touchstones Heart of Nambija
BISS GCH CH Shilo's Mayd For Liberty BISS, BOSS OD
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS
BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La
CH Shilo's Waiting To Excel OD
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS
Shilo's Bet On It OD