Gandalf's Golden Blaze CD  (11/17/1977-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SC329254


Gandalf's Golden Blaze CD
Am. CH. Beaumaris Pekay's Kilowatt OS
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Cal-Vo's Happy Ambassador Am./Can. CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Footprint Of Yeo CD OS
Am. CH. Beckwith's Malagold Starfarm OD
Am. CH. Beaumaris Bide Me Fair
Beaumaris Durham
Beaumaris Ainsel Meghan OD
J E D's Pandora Of Pine Valley
Clyde Of River Bend
Mercer's Golden Yankee
Brookhill's Buffy
Bama Doll Of Dixie
Joko's Golden King CD
Auburn Honey Of Lynngate