Nipntuck One Bad Apple  (10/23/2008-)

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Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Breeder:Rebecca Gorton
PRA status:Clear


Nipntuck One Bad Apple
USA-GRAND-/CIE/Nl./LCD-/Lux./VDH-/LCD-Vet.-CH Big Sky's Heaven Scent from Trinity
MBISS AmGCH/CH Big Sky's Stone Kutter
AmCH Paradocs Tabatha Stonehenge
Big Sky's Sable
Sheabourne's Mystify
BISS AmCh, Int.Ch,NL/Lux.Ch. Raintree Slippery When Wet JH
Tabatha's Satisfy
Am CH Nipntuck Miss American Pie
Brookland's Charlie Brown
Hampshire Calif-Dreaming
Brookland's Dark Truffle
AmCH Nipntuck Twinkle In Our Eyes
MBISS AmCH Tabatha's Gingerbred Cutter JH, WC, CD, CGC
Nipntuck Oldham Beatrix